News - Symphonina Foundation

The Symphonina Foundation Releases New Album: Introducing the Symphonina

San Diego, California

The Symphonina Foundation is pleased to announce the release of Introducing the Symphonina: Spreading the Joy of Symphonic Music to Young Audiences Around the World. The album features new symphonic compositions by Christopher Reed, Steve Locks, and David Fogel. 

Symphoninas are a new genre of symphonic music that features a complete symphony that plays in about 10 minutes, with multiple movements, and memorable melodies. It was created by David Fogel, CEO of The Symphonina Foundation, as a new way for young people to stream and enjoy symphony music on their phones. “Symphony music presently has about a 1% market share in the USA,” said Fogel, “The new Symphonina genre presents symphony music in an easy access format, with each movement just about the length of a pop tune. We’ve had tremendous feedback from music lovers, young and older.” 

The Symphonina Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that has not only sponsored a competition for composers to create new symphonic music, but has also assembled a remote orchestra comprising both young and experienced players from around the world. The International Symphonina Orchestra performed on the new album, accompanied by the famous Budapest Scoring Orchestra.

For more information on The Symphonina Foundation, please contact Dr. David Fogel at or call 858-349-0848.

Album Link: Introducing the Symphonina on Spotify